NIH WSU BEST program

NIH WSU BEST program
  • NIH WSU BEST program
  • NIH WSU BEST program
  • NIH WSU BEST program
  • NIH WSU BEST program
  • NIH WSU BEST program
  • NIH WSU BEST program

NIH WSU BEST program

“Wayne State University – Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST)” is a $1.85 million 5-year grant from the National Institutes of Health: NIH Director’s Biomedical Research Workforce Innovation Award: Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) 5-year grant. The WSU BEST program provides a training program for biomedical PhD students integrated into their doctoral studies through which they can explore a diversity of career options and gain a wide range of skills that will prepare them for job opportunities in the 21st century, emphasizing the need to work on multidisciplinary teams. Students encounter career area modules on teaching, communication, business, law, community engagement, and government agencies in three phases: Phase I – panel discussions, Phase II – interactive workshops, and Phase III – career exploration opportunities. I am a co-investigator for this grant and co-lead the development of the career area modules and communication for the project. Design work included program logo/identity, brochure, eight videos (six Phase I videos, two Orientation to BEST videos, one Phase II video, one BEST overview video), career exploration opportunities application and announcement, 2015 Phase I poster, Phase III application materials, 2015 NIH survey announcement, internal and external presentations.

Shown are the WSU BEST logo, brochure, Phase I poster, and excerpts from the video introduction and credits. The overview and Phase II videos can be seen at the NIH BEST website:


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